Hello August!

I have been told that August is the Sunday of summer, and I think that is 100% true. Why? you may ask, because it is the month that starts the close of summer and then a new season heads our way. August allows us a few more weeks of warmth and sunshine to soak up more time with those we love before dispersing in all directions and schedules fill up even more (if that is possible).
There is always a time in our lives we feel like we need a refresher. Some take week long vacations to extravagant places, some people wait until the beginning of the week, some just need some me time. All of these options are awesome ways to let loose and reset your mind. Obviously, you cannot jet off somewhere in the middle of the week (all the time) because you have responsibilities and you cannot put life on cruise control on a Tuesday and just wait to get through until the next week. We need to learn to take time for ourselves. What is relaxing to you? or What hobbies do you have? find something that allows you to be alone and able to breathe in some fresh air and just release all over your stresses.

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