Kylie Owens

Hey, y’all! I’m Kylie Owens! A few years ago God put this crazy dream in my heart to start an outreach organization and I decided to name it after my favorite verse. Project 6:8 is based on the verse Isaiah 6:8 “Then the Lord, said, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here I Am. Send me!”

I grew up in a Christian home and gave my life to Christ in the second grade. I obviously didn’t understand the true meaning of this until I was 23. I had to go through a few rough patches to get me there, but the important thing is, I got there.

My family and I traveled a lot for sports, my two older siblings were just as involved with sports as I was, so that meant lots of road trips. I think that’s why I feel most comfortable and right at home in the car eating McDonald’s drive-through. I grew up in the middle of a cornfield, literally, the high school I went to was in a cornfield. Where I grew up, and the surrounding areas, was a place where an actual threat to your physical health was rolling your ankle on corn stubble.

I found my love for animals on my grandparent’s farm and my love for an adventure down by the river, both at a young age. I grew up to be one of the girliest tomboys to roam the earth. While I absolutely love the farm my husband and I built together (my actual dream come true), I also love the world of design and fashion.

I recently achieved a dream I have dreamt of since I was a little girl, I wrote my very first book called, “Here I Am”. The book was followed up with my very first devotional called, “Project 6:8”, which is a 30-Day Devotional.

My husband is my absolute best friend, but we couldn’t be more different in personality. I thrive on living in the spotlight, while he is thrilled to be backstage helping someone out. Our love story is filled with details I will give some other time, so a long story short is…went to the same church, 8 years age difference, mom were friends, end of the story. Haha! 

Megan Baer

Hey everyone! I’m Meg (as most of my friends call me) and here is my small section of the website where I can tell you just a little bit about me.

I’m the only non-country girl by roots here in our group. I have come to love my life in the country now though. I grew up in a city with the most amazing parents and two crazy awesome sisters. My younger years were filled with love, music, lots of Barbie playing, and the best homemade pizza made by my dad (Can’t leave my mom out here, she is pretty much amazing at cooking everything in general! I think everyone in my family is a bit of a “foodie!”).

I came to the Lord at a young age. I vividly remember getting “The New Adventure Bible” for Christmas when I was probably 8 or 9. I sat on my parent’s pink and teal floral couch beside the Christmas tree, and I could feel something (now I know that “something” was my heavenly Father) guiding me to read. So, what did I do? I flipped to the middle. Isaiah. Not the best book for a youngster to start in, but darn it, I was going to read it and I was going to get to know God. (Have I mentioned I’m pretty stubborn?) That was the beginning of my love journey with Jesus.

I have the most handsome husband in the world (love you Jess!) and he is the second great love story of my life. We were married pretty young and have never looked back. Soon after, we were blessed with our son, Adam. He is so smart and has a heart for Jesus that makes my heart melt.

Sweet Paige was born two years later. She amazes me with her love and natural kindness.

Two years after that, you guessed it, our feisty Leslie came along! Lovingly referred to as “Tinks” for her small size, you will not find a more spunky, fun-loving, child! I look at my family and thank God for His goodness! What a
privilege it is to be a wife and mother.

I could say so much more in this bio, but it’s supposed to be relatively short, so you’ll just have to check out our podcasts for more details!

So to sum me up: Christian, wife, homeschool mom of three, musician. I love entertaining in my home and want everyone to feel like it’s a safe place to land. I’ve held different positions in worship ministries over the years, and now God has led me to Project 6:8 and I cannot wait to see what HE is going to do. The longer I live, the more I am convinced that the Christian life is an adventure! God is a living God and He invites us to join Him in His plan for our life. It’s a good one, His word promises that!