College life. Many say it is the best years of your life. As I am living in them, I definitely can see why everyone says it and whether we realize it or not, these years are key and essential with our walk with the Lord. These years help shape the path for future occupations, relationships, and the Lord’s plan for our life. If you are someone who is looking at colleges the best advice I can give is that you attend a Christian college. You will never have the opportunity again to be surrounded by faculty, students, and friends who are like-minded. I received this advice from my mentor back home and living it out has changed my life. Now, I am not saying as a Christian you can’t go to a secular school but the community will not compare to any other college. You will be diving into God’s Word and the more we learn about Him the more you will be in Awe and come out with a stronger relationship. Before Boyce, I went to a public high school and no that is not sinful to do. Be a light there. However, I have been in situations at high school, and even here at a bible college where I let my fear of man overcome my fear of God (Proverbs 29:25). So, I encourage everyone to walk in line with the Spirit and not the flesh (Galatians 5:16-25). Do not conform to the ways of this world (Romans 12:1-2) but keep an eternal perspective and serve only the true Master (Matthew 6:24). To the Christian student and even any Christian three things have helped me pursue godliness during these important years of our life; a biblical women community, biblical worldview, and reminding myself of the Gospel daily.
For the Christian who is at a Christian university, Bible college [that’s me], or secular university find a group of same-sex peers to have a biblical community with. You can have unbelievers as friends but having a group of women is so necessary. For the unbeliever, they need a group of women to go to and this is an example of how biblical truths are evident without them even noticing. Therefore, I challenge you, no matter the age, to find a group of women to be in community with. I challenge you do not have a surface level relationship with them but to take it deeper. There are some ingredients that go into this community to help take things deeper like rebuke (Galatians 6:1). Rebuke is something we Christians like to say but often cannot take it or even give it. Some people may not like this or get offended by it but we do feel these things due to our own pride. I can say this by being the first one to say I was in that boat and it is a daily struggle but we need to renew our minds every day (Romans 6). Everyone is made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) and we have a longing for fellowship and to do it in a God-honoring way. Now, that does not mean that every time you hang out with them you only talk about theological topics-go out and eat, play games, and just be social. You will see a difference in your attitude.
I could go on and on about having a biblical community but that brings up my next stance. Every Christian should and needs to have a biblical worldview. We are not called to see certain things from a biblical perspective or to fit God into a bible study. We are called to walk in a manner worthy of Christ, which involves humility, gentleness with patience, bearing one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2; Ephesians 4:1-3). This is the unity that we are to persevere, not make. No matter what vocation you go in, glorify the Lord. Here at Boyce, one of the many Christian schools, they have a biblical foundation for every major. They emphasize that God isn’t just in Church, He is in everything. He is in our jobs, schools, conversations, and sports. We don’t set certain parts of our day to be all about God, God is in every part of our day (1 Corinthians 10:31).
Last year I was a freshman and the Lord worked on my heart. The heart of the problem is the problem of the heart. Reread that sentence, please. We are blind to our sin. So, how do we know we are sinning? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal sin. Be prepared for the next weeks to come. There is joy in sanctification. No, it is not easy but it is joyful because we are becoming more and more like Christ in the end-the perfect example. God works everything out for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28-29). Good in this context does not mean we will be blessed, even though at times we will but the good comes from conforming like Christ and being in closer fellowship with Him. Through these times I had to be reminded of this and the Gospel. We so easily forget about the Gospel and the attributes of God. Dwell on them. We forget how sinful of a person we are and the grace that saved us (Ephesians 2:8-9). The Gospel also points me to Christ for my righteousness and helps me stray from self-righteousness. It brings every single person down to the same nakedness and level. Let God’s grace empower us to give grace. We can only do what we do because of Christ. Not I, but through Christ in me (Galatians 2:20). There will be times when we want to give in to fleshly desires but lean on God because we cannot do it on our own.
As City Alight sings, “I will trust my savior Jesus When my darkest doubts befall Trust Him when to simply trust Him Seems the hardest thing of all I will trust my savior Jesus Trust Him when my strength is small For I know the shield of Jesus Is the safest place of all Jesus, only Jesus Help me trust You more and more Jesus, only Jesus May my heart be ever Yours”
-Lakin Brant