By: Beth Murphy
Spring cleaning. That time of year when we go through everything in our house. Getting rid of the worn-out clothes, the rusty baked-on grease cooking pans, finally clearing out the “junk drawer” filled with who knows what. Wiping down walls, trim, windows, and everything else that we rarely ever clean. All for what? To get ready for summer! We then go tell our family, friends, and coworkers of everything that we have accomplished and how many hours we invested our time into cleaning and organizing. Is there something wrong with this? I don’t think so. I’m very guilty of this actually. There is just something satisfying about seeing your home cleaned and organized.
So here is a thought. What would it look like if Jesus spring-cleaned? Just thinking about this makes chills creep up my spine. Picture this. Jesus putting us all in a row and flipping through us like the way we flip through clothes on hangers going eehh, meh, or ooo this is nice! The difference is he is saying eehh and meh to the newer looking clothes and the newer pots and pans and saying oooh nice to the shirts that are worn out and stained along with the pans with the baked-on grease. When Jesus looks at us, we should be the worn-out items torn apart and stained. Why? If we are, it means that we are living for Jesus! I picture Jesus picking up the shirt and looking at the holes and stains and saying “o yeah I remember how you got this! I told you to do something and you listened and because you listened and followed me I’m going to remember and cherish what you have done for ME,” and in return he blesses us!
Now, here is the hard part. Jesus looking at the newer looking shirts or clothing, and the nicer pots and pans. The items that we gravitate more towards, but Jesus does not. Jesus may not pay as much attention to them. Why? because what purposed have they served for him. They sit in the closet or cupboard for almost a year without being touched. What have they done for Jesus? If they hear his voice do they obey or do they not move. Maybe they know Jesus but they are just comfortable at where they are at with their relationship with him. There are no memories that he cherishes with them.
So ask yourself. Who are you going to be? The worn-out items that serves a purpose for Jesus? The items he remembers and cherishes or are you going to be the nicer items? The items that stay put and unnoticed. I don’t know about you but I want to be the worn-out items. I want as many stains and holes that I can possibly get! I want to tell my family, friends, and coworkers of everything that JESUS has accomplished and how many hours HE invested in my life. I want to be noticed by Jesus and one day stand before him and hear him say well done! You have served me well! Don’t you?
“If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God.” Deuteronomy 28:1-2

1 Comment
Thank you for this prospective! It really does hit home.